Tuesday, December 7, 2010

WikiLeaks...I was over it...but now there's surprise sex involved!

Julian Assange has finally been arrested...but not for leaking documents because he hasn't actually broken any laws.  Other than being damn unattractive, he really is unfortunate looking.  I have a really funny ex-boyfriend who would have said something along the line of..."with a face like a dropped meat pie".  So anyway I was saying yes he's being arrested for having surprise sex in Sweden...at least I think it was Sweden.

Let's clarify.  Not rape but surprise sex.  The above picture demonstrates this rather effectively I think.  And yes, I will be sending it to the high court trying this ridiculous charge as evidence.  (Keep in mind they're trying him ASAP and went nuts to arrest him, I wonder if this means the police will afford other rape victims the same courtesy from here on in?)

So this whole Wikileaks thing is out of control crazy, the governments are trying really hard to silence Assange, these trumped up charges are just a bit of proof of this.  Wikileaks does amazing work, they have the guts to publish the stuff that the man doesn't want us to know about.  They give you the real news through leaked documents basically.  But the website is very visually boring, long-winded and takes a lot of searching around to find the good parts...the website in that way probably has a lot in common with Assange's naked body.

But the website is all shut down now so if you didn't read it before the hype, you missed out.  Being a journalist is hard, being an really good journalist with balls, downright dangerous.  Now that Assange's locked up there's a scenario that I can see happening which reminds me of a scene in Casablanca.  The one when Ugarte's departure is described by Renault, "I'm filling out the report now, I haven't decided whether he killed himself or died trying to escape."

Sorry Assange, they've got you surprised sexed big time now!  And in other news Julia Gillard has grey hair!  Girl needs her hair did!  Jules was talking trash about Assange with her manky grey roots all exposed.  Look I know you've got a country to run etc, but surely there's a friend you can call to come over with a packet of Country Life and do your roots at night so noone notices...hell Jules call me and I'll fix that shit up for you.

(picture flogged from somewhere many years ago from some website)


  1. Surprise sex is gold. It basically amounts to telling an untruth in order to gain sex or during the act itself. Picture the following examples:
    "Yes that's 10 inches."
    "yes they're real."
    "I'll leave my wife."
    "Yes I am a natural blonde."
    "Don't worry. I'll pull out."
    "ooh... yes... ahhhhh... yeeeesss!! yeeessssss... oh my god yes. YYYEEEESSSSSSS!!!!"
    Watch out boys and girls.

  2. Exactly! I once met a guy that said he was a god in bed, he wasn't. I should change him with surprise sex.
    Thanks for clarifying that one Daniel, I'm sure there's many people scratching their head on this one...
