Friday, December 10, 2010

Uganda wants YOU to stop smoking!

Just like every other country (well pretty much) Uganda is smacking those SMOKING KILLS labels on the front of every pack.  Like in Kenya you'll have your warning over 30% of the pack and in the future the manky pictures we have on ours in Australia.
I tell you one thing, the warning didn't stop me in Kenya it didn't stop me in Europe...but in Australia.  Yeah I stopped.  It's very sad.

Smokers don't need a warning, hell if we wake up feeling like we've swallowed an ashtray and then cough up part of a lung in the shower and still light up a cigarette we can overcome a warning.  Hell we can survive pretty much anything.  Look at it this way.  If we can overcome all the warnings our bodies give us you think that writing it down for us going to do anything?  Ha!

It's the money that made me quit, it's too expensive here.  Like insane costly!  Uganda is onto this and sorry Ug smokers your tax on that shit is going to be raised again!  In January Ug is doing the whole budget thing and the taxes are certain to rise and I think by a fair bit.  So here's some photos of me smoking...ahhh...better times.