Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Anyone for cat? I mean beef...yesssss...beef???

Shawarma.  Possibly the greatest late night meal ever.  Besides junk food in Colombia...ahhh memories...
There's this little roadside diner in Mombasa that sells the arabic (?) inspired delicacy and it is the best.  For those not in the know, Shawarma is a tasty pile of meat, chips, salad and lots and lots of sauces.  With a bit of extra chilli powder it's like a spicey, saucy mess on your plate with a bread roll that you eat with your fingers.

The only problem I have with this particular roadside diner is the cats.  There are cats everywhere.  Crawling around your feet begging for scraps like the paupers of the animal kingdom.  When it rains the smell of dirty, wet cat permeates the air and makes it almost impossible to enjoy your meal...almost.

Now this leads me to the question.  Is that really beef in my Shawarma?  It doesn't exactly look like beef, or smell like beef or even taste like beef.  It's hard to tell with all that sauce.  With all those cats around I start thinking one day, what's a really cheap alternative to beef?  One that just walks around you and is easily caught...**chokes on meat**  Oh dear lord no!  They wouldn't!  They couldn't!  You know after all my time travelling I have learnt sometimes if something tastes good, it's probably better not to ask just in case you don't like the answer.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to go get me some Beef (Kitty-Cat) Shawarma!


  1. where are you, woman? still africa?
    wherever you go, enjoy it! we'll meet again, you will see...
    ...take care, dear!
    Katja L., Kampala.

  2. Yep I was in Mombasa now I am in Nairobi and preparing for my departure! Eeep! Not wanting to leave! But I will be back soon as possible. Someone has to come keep an eye on Roger ;)
