Why someone would kill my dog I don’t know. Kitty (yes I named a dog kitty) was the best puppy in the world. She was so friendly and fun, she was the sort of dog who was always there when I needed her.
In fact I needed that dog more than she needed me. Now all I have are some photos and memories.
Like, when she was a little puppy I would walk her to the trading centre and people would flee from her because Ugandans are for the most part afraid of dogs to the point where it’s hilarious to watch. I used to hold her as the school kids would pat her and I would teach them to not be afraid of animals. Or the time when it wouldn’t stop raining and I really wanted airtime so I walked in the mud and rain to the shop with my faithful sidekick in tow. Kitty would sleep in my bed and during the night she would wiggle her way from the foot of the bed until she was snuggled nicely under my chin. I remember how she hated being washed so afterwards we would lay in bed together and cuddle up until she was warm and back to her usual overly-energetic self. I don;t like chickens and Kitty must have known this because she would chase those birds out of the Gardens when they got in. I loved returning to the Gardens because she was always so happy to see me jumping all over me, chewing my hair and gnawing at my arms...she made me feel loved.
Fine, so she wasn’t the brightest dog ever...like the time she brought a used diaper into my room, or when she burnt her whiskers trying to steal meat off the charcoal stove or the time she got knocked by a boda and hurt her leg. But Kitty was the best dog I ever had. Here’s some photos of my baby dog for you, I loved her.
All grown up sleeping in the studio |
Walking up Nkozi Hill |
Comfort, Kitty and I on my birthday |
Just about to sleep |
Bobo relaxing with Kitty |
My last photo with Kitty, napping together on the grass |
The painful ordeal of bathing |
who did this...
ReplyDeletewhy? how?
I just cant believe it... she's gone... I mean i saw her just the other nyt, she was in my arms, lickin up my face... REST IN PEACE KITTY I WILL MISS YOU, WE ALL WILL!!!