Bob Marley sung “Everyman thinks that his burden is the heaviest”. How true is this? From what I’ve seen we all think this from time to time. People as a general rule have a very “woe is me” attitude. Like when nothing is going your way and you feel like you are as far down as you can possibly handle. I know I did today. I even bought a gluten free chocolate brownie mix so I could go home and throw myself a little pity party.
But then I remembered something that made me feel like a massive sook. When they were interviewing people affected by the floods in Queensland there were a lot of people saying, “there are other people who are worse off, we’ll be right”. No matter how hard the journalist looking for his or her next sob story tried, they could not be broken. They had strength and pride and the knowledge that they can get up, brush themselves off and start again.
With that in mind I didn’t sit around eating brownie, I took my new skateboard across the road to the park and rode up and down the path falling off at least twenty times. I skinned my knuckles, I got caught in a massive downpour, I felt stronger, braver, happier, because no matter how bad I felt, I got back up. I persevered.
I suppose life is like that. No matter how much embarrassment and hurt we endure falling over again and again in private and in public. No matter how heavy the rain is, no matter how soggy we feel. We have to just get up, stand like a goofy mother-trucker and hope for a tailwind to help us along. And if one doesn’t come, push.